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    Scallop basic knowledge

    Column:Company News Time:2024-02-22
    Scallops are the nicknames of bivalve molluscs belonging to the genus Scallop. There are about 400 species. More than 60 species of this section are one of the most important marine fishery resources in the world. Shells, meat and nacre have extremely high use value. Scallops are generally not exposed when the seawater ebbs, so it is more time consuming to catch it. In China's coastal areas, scallops are mainly found in the north, and only Dongchi Island, which is slightly north of Shidao, Shandong Province, and Changshan Islands, Changhai County, Liaoning Province are the most famous. Scallops have a variety of shells and beautiful ribs. They are good materials for shell crafts. People who work at the beach, travel or recuperate love collecting some scallop shells as souvenirs for friends.
       Scallops are delicious and nutritious. They are equally famous for sea cucumbers and abalone, and are listed as the three treasures of seafood. The scallop shell is very well developed and is the main ingredient used to make scallops. Since the 1970s, China has successively cultivated scallops in coastal areas in Shandong and Liaoning. Artificially cultivated scallops can shorten the maturity of scallops, produce high yields, and make harvesting easier.
       Nutritional Analysis Shellfish molluscs contain a DL-cholesterol and 24-methylene-cholesterol with a hypocholesterolemic effect, which has the unique effect of inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver and accelerating the excretion of cholesterol. Cholesterol drops. Their efficacy is stronger than that of commonly used cholesterol-lowering drugs, sitosterol. After eating shellfish food, people often have a refreshing and pleasant feeling, which is undoubtedly beneficial to relieve some of the anxious symptoms. Economic value Economic value is high. In addition to fresh shellfish that can be eaten in coastal areas all year round, in order to keep fresh and transport convenient, most of them will be taken out of the frozen muscle and transported around the frozen shells. They are called frozen scallop columns or frozen fresh shellfish. It is an important cooking ingredient for high-end hotels and restaurants and is entering the general family. Dry scallops made from scallop shell muscles are one of the eight treasures of seafood.

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