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    Our company implements the HACCP quality management system. According to the CIQ standard, each factory is equipped with a standard laboratory, and each laboratory is equipped with at least two laboratory technicians holding vocational qualifications. The laboratories can conduct such tests as total bacteria count, E. coli, coliforms, salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, listeria monocytogenes, sulfites, histamine, DSP, PSP, moisture, salt, chlorine and other items.

    1. Person in charge of quality assurance

    The company implements the system of person in charge of quality assurance assuming full responsibility. The responsible person is familiar with relevant state regulations and laws, can skillfully master and apply the HACCP system, and organize internal training and other quality activities to ensure product quality and stability.

    2. Production process control

    The company implements the HACCP quality management system and the "5S" quality management, as well as standardized management over the whole process of production, to ensure that each process is in line with quality requirements.

    3. Staff training

    Our company takes efforts to strengthen staff training, and the key operating points and technical requirements of each job are clearly defined; every employee can skillfully grasp the operating instructions, and realize operations in line with standard norms.

    4. Quality Assurance at Quality Control Department

    Our company implements the HACCP quality management system. According to the CIQ standard, each factory is equipped with a Quality Control Department, and each Quality Control Department is equipped with a standard laboratory and a field quality assurance team. Each laboratory has at least two laboratory technicians holding vocational qualifications. The laboratories can conduct such tests as total bacteria count, E. coli, coliforms, salmonella, staphylococcus aureus, vibrio cholerae, vibrio parahaemolyticus, listeria monocytogenes, sulfites, histamine, DSP, PSP, moisture, salt, chlorine and other items.

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